The government, along with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), issued new guidance last week regarding the relaxation of rules governing outdoor activity. This guidance specified that outdoor activity, including Bowls, must be done either
- alone;
- with members of your household; or
- with one person from outside your household.
Subsequent guidance has been received from Bowls England and this can be viewed at: www.bowlsengland.com/covid-19-supplementary-guidance-for-lawn-bowls-clubs/
Following this guidance Broadway Bowling Club Management Committee has decided that our green will be open for bowling from MONDAY 1ST JUNE.
There will necessarily be significant rules and guidance in place to ensure we are operating within the government’s guidance and doing all we can to keep everyone safe. If you want to bowl, you must follow these rules, they are aimed at reducing risk. Please bear with us whilst these rules bed in – it will be easy to criticise but we are all taking something of a step into the unknown.
Before outlining the rules we need to re-iterate the government’s guidance regarding two particular groups of people – it is then for individuals to make up their own minds whether they bowl taking account of this guidance and the procedures the club are putting into place to mitigate (but not eliminate) the risk of transferring infection.
Clinically extremely vulnerable people – These people will have been identified and will have received written confirmation to that effect.
If you fall into this category the advice is very clear – you should follow shielding guidance by staying at home at all times and avoid all non-essential face to face contact. This applies until the end of June currently. In short, you should not be bowling at this stage.
Clinically vulnerable people – These people have been identified as those aged 70 or over, people with liver disease, people with diabetes and pregnant women.
If you fall into this category the guidance suggests you should stay at home as much as possible. If you do go out, take particular care to minimise contact with others from outside your household.
We understand that some members will not wish to play at this time, but we wish to retain them as members so that they stay affiliated. Everyone who bowls has to be affiliated to Bowls England and their respective County Association. With this in mind, your membership this year will continue free of charge. In addition it would be very helpful if you could let our Membership Secretary, Viv Hall, know whether or not you intend to re-join our club next year (vivhall22@btinternet.com).
If you do intend to bowl this year, a one-off green fee of £40 is payable. This will entitle you to bowl as often as you like during the specified green availability times. The £40 may be paid on line, bank details as follows:-
Account: Broadway Bowling Club
Sort Code: 40-20-27
Account No: 71410911
Please add your name and “green fees” in the reference.
For those who do not do on line banking, cheques made payable to “Broadway Bowling Club” may be posted to Joan Parfitt, or posted through the letterbox at the Clubhouse.
Our Life Members who wish to bowl will also be expected to make the £40 contribution as we believe they will wish to financially support the club during these difficult times.
Those who have already paid their subscriptions and did not want them returned will not be expected to make an additional contribution. Our junior members will not be expected to make a contribution.
- If you or someone in your household has coronavirus symptoms, then self-isolate and do not bowl.
- Maintain social distancing (2 metres) at all times (unless both from the same household).
- Please wash your hands before (at home) and after bowling.
- A hand sanitising gel dispenser will be provided at the clubhouse. Please use this before and after bowling. Members may use their own hand sanitiser if they wish.
- The wearing of masks will be optional. If you wish to wear one, please bring your own.
- Please leave space either side when parking your car.
- Rink bookings are for 90 minute periods. You should arrive in your own car, unless you are from the same household. You should not arrive and get out of your car before your start time. You should ensure you are leaving the premises by your end time. This will ensure there is no risk of contact during the changeover period – it is really important that everyone sticks to this rule. You will get about 80 minutes playing time – this should be plenty of time for singles or an individual roll up. When you see the rink booking sheet, start times are staggered by 30 minutes – this is again to avoid too many people arriving and leaving at once.
- 8. In line with Bowls England guidance, no spectators or visitors are allowed.
- The clubhouse and toilets will be closed and members should not enter the clubhouse for any reason.
- The Jack Room will be closed. Six mats and jacks will be available. These should be sanitised by players using the spray provided before and after play. You should arrive ready to bowl and change your shoes in your car or on the banks.
- Please take home any rubbish – do not put it in the club’s wheelie bins as currently these are not being emptied by Wychavon.
- Only 3 rinks will be utilised per day, ensuring there is always a free rink separating each game.
- Rinks will be booked using the booking form on the website. There will be four sessions each day with a half hour gap in between, as follows:-
1–2.30 pm; 3–4.30 pm; 5-6.30 pm; 7-8.30 pm
see this page for bookings https://broadwaybowlingclub.co.uk/rink-bookings/
- When arriving for your pre-booked session, use any of the three rinks which have been marked out for use.
- If you have not booked a rink please do not turn up expecting to bowl.
- Bowling will be limited to 2 players per rink as defined in the Bowls England Guidelines (unless there are more than two members of the same household).
- There will be two mats and two jacks supplied for each rink. The same person on each rink should handle the mat and jack every time, to avoid cross contamination.
- Players will use their own bowls. There will not be more than 8 bowls on any end. Therefore please use your feet to straighten jacks and collect bowls rather than pushers which will not be available – this will reduce the chance of passing infection. However, only one player should do this to ensure 2 metre distancing (unless from the same household).
It must be stressed that it is down to the individual’s choice as to whether or not they choose to bowl and they do so at their own risk. The club will not be held responsible should anyone fall ill after bowling on our green.
If you would prefer to use your own mat and jack, these can be purchased from Bowlswear Direct – www.bowlsweardirect.com. Category: Club Equipment.