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1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of AGM held on Wednesday l3th November 2019 and matters


3. President’s Report (attached)

4. Chairman’s Report (attached)

5. Secretary’s Report (attached)

6. Treasurer’s Report (attached)

7. Election of Officers:

. President

. Chairman

. Vice Chairman

. Hon Secretaries – Membership



. Match Secretary – Men’s



. Green Co-Ordinator

8. Election of Management Committee

9. Nomination of Men’s Coalition Captains

10. Nomination of Ladies’ Coalition Captains

11. Nomination of Vale Triples Captain

12. Election of Vice Presidents

13. Election of Honorary Auditor

14. Nomination of WBA Reps

15. Out of Pocket Expenses

Out of Pocket Expenses (formerly called Honorariums) are paid in arrears to Club Officers.  The Management Committee are recommending a similar level of payments as last year, as follows:-

Green Co-ordinator:                         £200

Secretary:                                            £175

Treasurer:                                           £175

Men’s & Ladies Match Secretary:   £150

16. Announcements:

15.l Race Night 6th February 2021 (Provisional)

15.2 81 Trophy – May 2021 (Provisional)

17. Any Other Business

2019 AGM Minutes

President’s Report

Chairman’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Audited Balance Sheet


WBA Representative’s Report