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Alright Cobber!

Aussie Pairs is a fun way to play where each player in a team get to play as lead and as skip – sometimes in the same end.

It’s an informal evening of bowls and BBQ.

Want to play barefoot?     go ahead, try it if it’s warm enough.
Want to speak with an antipodean accent whilst playing?     Give it a go mate!
Want to dress like Steve Irwin?      I’ll buy you a drink if you do

This mini tournament for fun includes a smashed burger, fries and coleslaw cooked by Tom Cumberland of the Wayside Farmshop.

Non-players are welcome to enjoy a burger too so book a place for your partner and family.

You don’t need to enter as a pair, as all the entrants will be allocated a partner, and the teams will pair experienced with in-experienced.

Play starts at 17.30 with the food served from 18.30

Players should arrive ready to start play by 17.30

The bar will be open from 17.00

Australian Pairs
2 – 4 – 2

  • Australian Pairs allows both people on a team to play Lead and Skip.
  • In the first end of the game the Leads start off with 2 Bowls each.
  • Then the Skips play their 4 Bowls.
  • Then the Leads complete the end with their final 2 Bowls.
  • Thus, the Leads act as Lead and Skip in the same end.
  • In the Next End the roles are reversed.
  • The Skips playing First with their Two Bowls.
  • Then the Leads play their 4 Bowls.
  • Then the Skips complete the End with their final 2 Bowls.
  • This alternating pattern continues throughout the game.
  • “Aside from the extra walking, in the Australian Pairs, the rules are the same as a normal Pairs Game.”
  • Number of ends to be determined on the day according to numbers participating, weather forecast etc.

There are now 48 players booked, so reservations are now closed for that. Bookings for burgers for non-players are still being taken – if you would like to reserve a burger contact Ben Trowman or Mark Riley.